We went camping this past weekend at Stone Mountain Park. A few weeks ago we got a GREAT deal on a pop-up camper. So we gave it a little TLC and took it out for the trip this weekend. It did great!! And boy am I glad we were up off the ground after the torential down pours came on Saturday...good grief!
The girls and I did some swimming on Saturday morning (in the rain), we were invaded by a HUGE group of teenagers, apparently all camping as well. They were quite loud and wild.
High noon came--the camp ground was making homemake ice cream, YUMMY! the girls got to help "turn" the ice cream. It was good--nothing like having Dessert first :)
Josh got back from work shortl after 2:00 we showered and headed over to the park only to spend the whole time in a store trying to stay dry and away from the Thunder and Lightening....We had to say "No" a million times to the hopefuly purchases of the girls. That was rough. Finally the rain ended and Madelyn climbed the rock wall. (Josh has a picture of his phone--I;ll get that posted) She did good. I think she is looking forward to doing it again.
Normally we would go see the laser Show on Saturday nights when we camped, but we were just all so tired. So we played some games, watched a movie and called it a night. I was glad we did. The girls were super tired.
Sunday-was pack up day. Took longer than we expected and we slept a whole lot longer than we expected. Oh well.
Once we got home, we spent some time un pack, and resetting up things just so we could clean it from the rain\mud from the weekend.
I am so glad that we are building such a great family tradition. Camping was not a family tradition to either of us. I am glad this is a new tradition we are starting and continue doing till the girls are older and they have families of their own and can continue the tradition. Such great family experiences and quiet times to really get away from the hustle of everyday chores and just BE and listen, and love and create new memories. We are blessed to be able to do this.
Our next camping trip is in 2 weeks. We meet up with My dad & stepmom and sister at Jordan Lake, NC. This will be a new camping place for us. We can't wait!!
LOL--never thought I would say that I LOVE camping. Although I can't wait until I can buy one of those "homes on wheels" RV's :o) That would better suit my "girly" needs of showering bug free and flip flop free!!
Stay tuned for camping pictures from this past weekend and plans for the next trip!