I found this SITE from another blog I read, Whittaker Woman You can take a quiz that will tell you your "Style". Mine is Nantucket Style. So, I'll tell you...this is what I DREAM for my home to look like. You come to my house and it is probably the exact opposite, at least in colors. I think my main theme that I would love to potray is, Love-Comfort-relaxation-warmth-welcoming...I don't like formal for sure! I know that much at least. What is your STYLE?? Take they quiz to find out. I'd love to know!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
This melts my heart...
Madelyn LOVES playing school at home. I "caught" her working diligently at her desk, it was the sweetest sight have seen! I love capturing these peaceful moments like this...
Showered with Love
We hung "Love Notes" from the lights in the kitchen...

Josh wore his "Love Note" Pin that I gave him...He would be lost wouldn't he??? :o)

A Breakfast filled with Love
Pink Pancakes, Sprite w\ Pink Ice Cubes, Strawberrie, Blueberries & Whip Cream...Fun Breakfast for sure!!

We were also blessed to have my dad and step-mom with us over Valentine's Weekend...We loved having this extra special love this weekend.

Josh wore his "Love Note" Pin that I gave him...He would be lost wouldn't he??? :o)
A Breakfast filled with Love
Pink Pancakes, Sprite w\ Pink Ice Cubes, Strawberrie, Blueberries & Whip Cream...Fun Breakfast for sure!!
We were also blessed to have my dad and step-mom with us over Valentine's Weekend...We loved having this extra special love this weekend.
Valentine Cards...
The Girls Made Valentine Cards for Daddy, He was so surprised Saturday Morning when they gave them to him.
Math Master
Madelyn received the MATH MASTER AWARD at her school. She received this award by completing 100 multipulcation facts in less than 3 minutes!! WAY TO GO MADELYN...So proud of you!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Where O Where art thou Delaware....

So, I am totally hooked on THIS geography game. A Blog I read,Whittaker Woman put it on her blog....It's a never ending thing. Just when you think you got it down and you'll do great they spring Delaware on you as the first state to place....Where O' Where are thou Delare, Cause I have no idea where you go ( at least when you are the first state!! No clues...)
***WARNING*** You will get hooked!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Christmas....in February
...Because that is when I am finally getting these posted.

This Christmas felt "off" this year. Since I had my foot surgery on 12\2, It was difficult to really get in the Christmas mood. The lack of being able to get to church, Christmas parties, etc. AND the lack of pictures...that was awful!! But regardless I rode that little scooter cart all over walmart, Target, Sams Club doing Christmas shopping with Josh (and trying not to take out every aisle) :o) The girls each received what they had asked for. Lilly asked for a new baby & a clubhouse, and Madelyn an ipod. They were thrilled when they woke up Christmas morning. It was fun Christmas eve though, Josh's fire station radio was giving updates on where Santa was--that got the girls in panic mode getting themselves into bed. It made it way easier for us!! It was fun....and we still managed to be totally exhausted by the end of the festivities--as usual!

This Christmas felt "off" this year. Since I had my foot surgery on 12\2, It was difficult to really get in the Christmas mood. The lack of being able to get to church, Christmas parties, etc. AND the lack of pictures...that was awful!! But regardless I rode that little scooter cart all over walmart, Target, Sams Club doing Christmas shopping with Josh (and trying not to take out every aisle) :o) The girls each received what they had asked for. Lilly asked for a new baby & a clubhouse, and Madelyn an ipod. They were thrilled when they woke up Christmas morning. It was fun Christmas eve though, Josh's fire station radio was giving updates on where Santa was--that got the girls in panic mode getting themselves into bed. It made it way easier for us!! It was fun....and we still managed to be totally exhausted by the end of the festivities--as usual!
Monday, February 2, 2009
In case you haven't noticed...
I haven't blogged in forever! My apologies. I must get Christmas updated, hopefully this week! Hang Tight...
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