Yes...Piggot, Arkansas! Where is that? Northeast AR...about 9 hours. And we made this round trip in 4 days. We have a great time catching up and meeting new family members over the weekend. Some of which I had not seen in 15+ years. So needless to say, I remembered essentially like 5% of the people there, HA!!
Here are a few pictures from the weekend, ENJOY!!
The whole "Underwood Clan" in front of my Great Grandma's house! (who I might mention lived to be 104!!)

Lilly patiently waiting to ride horses!

"Squishing" Pennies on the train tracks with cousins
(yes...we know it's illegal, only if you get caught though!HA!)
Special thanks to my Uncle who took these GREAT pictures over the weekend!
He does awesome work!!