My dad and step-mom are doing an amazing thing this week.
Something I hope Josh and I could participate in someday.
They are doing a Mountain to Coast bike ride across North Carolina.
They are riding anywhere from 70-80 miles a day...for 7 days
Tent camping at their rest stops each night!

you can go here is a link to the event
I tell you this; to tell you another story...
Tonight the girls and I went for a walk in the neighborhood
I was walking at a "workout pace"
Josh was running with the pup
(btw, I call all our dogs pups even though they are 6+ years old)
The girls were riding their bikes
Our neighborhood is ONLY 2.1 miles
They were in tears and full of complaints 1\2 way though...but they did finish!
So, way to go babes!
But to their defense we do have what feels like constant rolling hills in our neighborhood!
But I couldn't help but think about the miles that my parents put in today, HA!
So major kudos goes out to my parents and the amazing journey that they are on this week!!