For Family Fun Night #1....CHEF\BAKER NIGHT
(not real ingenious...but for the kids to do this during the week--it was a blast!)
We Made "Chef Hats"

They made their cakes from start to finish!! Pouring, cracking eggs, measuring, mixing (they really enjoyed watching the flour fly!) greasing the pan, pouring into the pan....even placing the pan into the oven...with oven mits on of course!

Lilly didn't so much like the Angel Food Cake Batter...Can you tell??

While the cakes were baking the chefs needed some entertainment...we pulled out Monopoly...why? Ask Josh.

Josh and I continued to play monopoly after the kids went to bed. We had a "merger" @ 9:00. Josh got Madelyn's stash of cash and property....I got Lilly's cash and property.... basically 2 properties and $50--Nice! Josh kicked my tail in the game
Cakes are done--decorate them. The chefs with their finished products

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