Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Parenting FAIL!

I signed up at the girls' school to have access to their information
Grades, Assignments, Attendance, etc.
To keep track of everything that's going on at school

A lady called me from the school system
Introduced herself and said,
"I need to verify a few things first to be sure you are 'mom'"
Me: "Ok, no problem"
She asks,
"Can you verify your childrens' fullnames and birthdates?"
Me: "Sure"

So I proceed to giver her Madelyn's full name
and her birthday
I give her Lilly's full name
and then her birthdate

This is where it gets ugly...

I got Lilly's birthday WRONG
I'm her mother
How do I get her birthday wrong?

Oh, but I did.

I had the right month and year
but I said the 14th
The lady said, "'s not what we have on file, we have the 17th"
All I could say was "Oh??"
After a long pause
I felt ridiculous and said
"Now, that you say the 17th that IS her birthday"

insert embarassing laughter here

I was never really expecting the "Mother of the Year Award"
but I know now that I am definately out of the running
for quite a while...

Should I mention I gave her the wrong email address too??!!
Yea, I don't think I should mention that either.


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