Thursday, August 25, 2011

More of my Mad Parenting Skills...

My girls each have a water bottle exactly like the one above.
Madelyn uses her's for soccer practice & games
Lilly uses her's for whatever
So I have to keep a close eye on what she puts in it
It's not just water

Imagine milk just a few days old...

We've discovered that these water bottles make a "puffing" noise when squeezed
Imagine an O2 puff
or the puff of air that they shoot in your eye at the eye Dr.
Or maybe that's just me
cause I'm so darn blind

Either way
When you squeeze this water bottle and it "puffs" air
Water rarely comes out of it

Until I do it

Lilly and I were playing around the other night
She was pretending to squirt me with the bottle
making those "puffs of air"

So "mommy" returns
I ask her for the bottle so I can go wash it
Thankfully it's just water....and not milk

So I turn in the hallway and act like I'm  going to squirt her
but only making a "puff"
Yeah...not so much

I'm pretty certain that every ounce of water that was in there
shot right out and into Lilly's eye!

I managed to make her cry for a good 10 minutes


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