Tuesday, October 4, 2011
North Carolina....Mountains to Coast Ride


14 Weeks
Monday, September 19, 2011
Good News!
Which includes some good news too!
Stay Tuned!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Another Workout at home?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Working out at home
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Where I'm at today...
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle & humble in heart
and you will find rest for you souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-31
Yesterday I should have started nursing classes
or the hours for sure
or the "job title"
I've said before that they could pay my $3\hr and I would be just fine with it
It's my passion!
Show me the path of life.
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalms 16:11
It's my passion...
but is it God's will & purpose for me?
Again, only God know this
That's what I'm suppose to be doing!
Isaiah 43:1-3
More of my Mad Parenting Skills...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Parenting FAIL!
I signed up at the girls' school to have access to their information
Grades, Assignments, Attendance, etc.
To keep track of everything that's going on at school
A lady called me from the school system
Introduced herself and said,
"I need to verify a few things first to be sure you are 'mom'"
Me: "Ok, no problem"
She asks,
"Can you verify your childrens' fullnames and birthdates?"
Me: "Sure"
So I proceed to giver her Madelyn's full name
and her birthday
I give her Lilly's full name
and then her birthdate
This is where it gets ugly...
I got Lilly's birthday WRONG
I'm her mother
How do I get her birthday wrong?
Oh, but I did.
I had the right month and year
but I said the 14th
The lady said, "Ok....um....that's not what we have on file, we have the 17th"
All I could say was "Oh??"
After a long pause
I felt ridiculous and said
"Now, that you say the 17th that IS her birthday"
insert embarassing laughter here
I was never really expecting the "Mother of the Year Award"
but I know now that I am definately out of the running
for quite a while...
Should I mention I gave her the wrong email address too??!!
Yea, I don't think I should mention that either.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Running, Squats, & Lunges....Oh My!
Monday, August 22, 2011
If you have dogs....you'll understand
Lilly's first broken arm was in Febuary 2011.
She fell off of her scooter out in the driveway
We were lucky enough to find an urgent care clinic
they were able to set and splint your arm that same night
Little did we know we would need to utilize their services later on...
Just the way we wanted to spend out Friday evening in July
July 22, 2011 to be exact!
Lilly, Madelyn & Daddy were out in the front playing soccer
Madelyn was showing off some stuff she learned at UGA soccer camp
Lilly, the fiesty little thing, was determined to win the ball from dad
She tripped and fell over dad's foot
breaking her arm
same arm....exact same place as the first break

If not, we might get assigned our own parking spot at Athens Orthopedic Clinic
Monday is brought to you by the letter, "S"....
Today's soapbox rant is specific to my kids
As parents, you have to be an advocate for your children
if you aren't....who will be then?
If you don't, your children won't learn to stand up for themselves
and fight for what they really want
heck....for what they deserve
If someone
(you know what that means right!!??)
something about your child and they are punished for what someone...
then who wins?
The child certainly doesn't
and the true meaning of assume really comes out.
But my child now knows the truth
but only because her parents stood up for her!
....stepping down from my soapbox now
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
This thing called a blog...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Lilly Sings!
Slumber Party!!
I was so excited to rekindle a friendship with a college roommate and she helped throw this whole thing together, I was so grateful!
Making Soaps!
Spa Birthday Cake!